About us

Law is something which is omnipresent, every aspect of our daily life requires legal requirements to be fulfilled even all our actions are deemed to be right and wrong as per the rules and regulations set by the society. In the present time this has been made essential for different entities to follow some rules and regulations and this system has evolved into a highly demanding legal and regulatory compliances. For these challenges, lawyers come into picture, they play a critical role in promoting social peace by applying the law in line to the basic requirements of justice, that is, balanced results obtained by reasonable procedures. Likewise, CM Law Chamber’s team has excelled in their practice through their deep understanding of law and has established their position with monumental efforts by exhibiting their passion towards work and unshakeable integrity and devotion to the cause.

Founded in 2018, CM Law Chambers is a multi-specialty law firm serving individuals, businesses and other entities throughout Delhi/NCR and other parts of the country. Founding partners, Mr. Mayank Maini & Mr. Anmol Chadha, two like-minded advocates with diverse experience in different fields of law came together to provide practical, innovative and custom-made strategies and solutions to its clients.

CM Law Chambers consists of quality professionals every team member is dedicated to the goal of clients and to deliver excellence all the time. We believe in the words of Mr. Henry Ford that “ If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”, hence we too believe in working as a team and provide exemplary services. In addition to this our firm gives much importance to high degree of professionalism and responsiveness in all our activities. Our professionals are known by their attitude and dedication which help the firm to deliver client satisfaction.

• Team Work: All the members of the firm work as a team, there is a high degree of partner involvement in all the works of our clients thus there is great level of availability and responsiveness.
• Reliability: Our firm emphasises to put client needs at the top while maintaining confidentiality. We believe to be personable and trustworthy all the time.
• Client Centric: We put our clients first as we believe that clients form an important part of every firm. As a result, we provide timely and consistent updates to our clients and remain in touch with changing client demands which we try to achieve.
• Analytical: We give high importance to be updated with all the new amendments and legal pronouncements, keeping in mind the same, we utilize our analytical and logical skills to evolve reliable solutions for our clients.